Category: Brochures

MRES Sustainability Report now available

Creating a clean and resilient energy future is a strategic priority for MRES, balanced with providing reliable and affordable energy to our members. MRES has created a new Sustainability Report detailing our efforts to protect the environment through a diverse portfolio of generation resources, energy efficiency and beneficial electrification programs, a voluntary green energy program, and investment in clean energy technologies. The report also includes the social engagement and governance aspects of our sustainability efforts.

Building Something Good Together ... About MRES

Learn more about MRES, its members, generation facilities, and the services we offer by reading our newest brochure!

Strategic Planning

Careful strategic planning can help public power utilities address the challenges facing the utility in the future. Some of those challenges are technology and innovation, changing energy mix, increased customer expectations and an aging workforce.

Electricity 101 Booklet

Do you ever have to explain aspects of the electric industry to those in other fields? MRES has a resource that can help.

2016 At a Glance

Side by Side. 2016 marked the 51st year of working side by side with our member communities to achieve success for the organization and for our membership as a whole. All of the positive results we have achieved throughout the year are due to the teamwork and partnership that exists between MRES and our member communities.

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