Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) is committed to protecting the health and safety of our employees, our members, and their communities. We know that each of our members has made that same commitment as well. Therefore, MRES has decided to continue to keep our Sioux Falls office closed through May 1, 2020. We hope to return to normal operations on May 4, 2020.

In addition, MRES will continue to ban all travel, including member and customers visits through May 1. MRES employees are quarantined, but are working at home and are available for phone calls and webinars to answer your questions or to provide assistance. Please don’t hesitate to contact any of us.

This is our updated status as of April 7, 2020:

  • MRES office is closed through May 1, 2020.
  • Travel is banned through May 1, including member and customer visits.
  • Distribution maintenance crews in member communities will continue to perform essential services only. Crew members are working alternating schedules when possible.
  • MRES has issued letters for employees in essential roles to carry with them indicating their role and need to work.
  • Power plants will continue normal operations using alternating crews when possible.
  • MRES is developing “Shelter-in-Place” plans for essential personnel if that action becomes necessary.

MRES has created a repository of actions members have taken regarding protection of their employees and special considerations for customers in the Members-Only section of the www.mrenergy website. If you haven’t already done so, would you send your related policies to Valerie.Larson-Holmes@mrenergy.com? And, if you have questions for your colleagues, please use the Manager’s Electronic Discussion group by emailing managers@list.mrenergy.com.

Just as public power utilities have always done during snowstorms, ice storms, and tornados, MRES Members and Associates are keeping the lights on and the water running, meeting your customer’s needs, and supporting your communities, while protecting the safety and health of your employees. MRES is also working to do our part to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we make adjustments in an effort to serve you better.

As a reminder: abbreviated versions of the MRES and WMMPA Annual Meetings will be held concurrently via webinar on Wednesday, May 6, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. MRES will be sending out an official meeting notice in the near future and packets will be sent out electronically a week before the meeting.

It is very important that we have a majority of official Representatives (Reps) or Alternates (Alts) in attendance at the Annual Meeting webinar so that the agencies will be able to conduct business at the meetings. Please make sure that at least the Rep or the Alt from your community can attend.

We are sending wishes and prayers that all of you stay safe and healthy!

If you have any questions, please contact Joni Livingston at joni.livingston@mrenergy or 605-261-3637 (cell).